Sunday, July 5, 2020

Biden dream

Right before I woke up I had a dream that I was walking down the street and Joe Biden pulled up in a sedan and offered me a ride. We made small talk and at one point I picked up his phone and tweeted something on his certified account.. More of a head-scratcher than an inflammatory prank, one of those semi-conscious mishaps of dreams, which I told him about two minutes later. He was ok about it, trying to concentrate on the road, in which he was an erratic driver, at one point so far into the left lane (not the political spectrum) that a car passed to the right (not in Britain). We passed by a large crowd of people and I made some quip to cover the awkwardness. I asked about the VP search and he mentioned Elizabeth Dole. He dropped me off at my house and I thanked him.

Thursday, May 21, 2020

Economic Sanctions in 1778

(George III's) determination never to acknowledge the independence of the Americans, and to punish their contumacy by the indefinite prolongation of a war which promised to be eternal, was as fixed and resolute as ever.. Aggressive hostilities against the Americans would be confined to the destruction of their coasting-trade, and the bombardment of their commercial ports; to sacking and burning their villages within a day's march of the sea-coast..  These actions.. would keep the rebels harassed, anxious, and poor, until the day when, by a natural and inevitable process, discontent and disappointment were converted into penitence and remorse... which sooner or later would bring the Revolutionary diplomatists to their knees, and, (to use the King's own words,) "would make them come into what Great Britain might decently consent to."